The project
New horizons in marine policy
Currently in Europe, the present and future of marine activities are in the framework of transformation of the perspective, expectation and strategies regarding the policies implemented in the past few years. On one hand, the integrated maritime policy (2007), has become the most ambitious platform of the EU regarding the possibilities of economic maximization of the territory and maritime resources. These cover activities and resources such as energy, aquaculture, coastal and maritime tourism and marine mineral resources and blue biotechnology.
On the other hand, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008) created for establishing a common action plan for the marine environment, establishes the obligation to achieve a good environmental status of Europe’s marine waters through the elaboration of strategies capable of maintaining biodiversity, and preserving the diversity and dynamism of the seas and oceans. Thus the oceans will be clean, healthy and can be maximized in a sustainable manner.
This legislation has been transposed, to the Spanish State, through the law 41/2010 for the protection of the marine environment, bearing in mind, not only the fishing activity, but also the impact of other human activities (navigation, tourism, biotechnology, agricultural and urban waste i, etc.). In reference to fishing, this law is of great importance, since it creates the Network of Marine Protected Areas (NMPA).
Indeed, the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) promotes and encourages the initiatives of artisanal fleets: allocating fishing opportunities based on environmental, social , historical, and responsible fisheries criteria. It encourages vessels with more selective gear; promotes models of co-management (understood as the participation of stakeholders in resource management tools). To conclude, artisanal or small-scale fisheries has become a priority subject of political attention to promote the achievement of objectives of sustainability in the broadest sense (ecological, economic, socio-cultural institutional).
The Sea, a shared responsibility
The Sea, a shared responsibility is a project of the GEN-GOB Eivissa, started in May of 2013 and has the support of the Ibiza Preservation Fund, and ADESSIUM FOUNDATION and has as its main objectives: the improvement of the environmental quality of the sea, and marine resources.
During the execution of this project, we intend to involve the stakeholders linked to the marine environment (fishermen, diving centers,nautical sector, administrations, etc.), and work together for the conservation and proper management of coastal and marine ecosystems.