New horizons in marine policy
Currently in Europe, the present and future of marine activities are in the framework of transformation of the perspective

Area covered by Posidonia meadows in Ibiza and Formentera (km2)
Longest organism on the planet (years)
Liters of oxigen m2/day
The Sea, a shared responsibility
The Sea, a shared responsibility is a project of the GEN-GOB, started in May of 2013 and has the support of Ibiza Preservation Fund and ADESSIUM FOUNDATION, and has its main objectives: the improvement of the environmental quality of the sea, and marine resources
During the execution of this project, we intend to involve the agents linked to the marine environment (fisheries, centers of diving, nautical sector, administration, etc.), and work together for the conservation and proper management of coastal and marine ecosystems.
What can you do?
Presentació Informe: Seguiment tècnic de les praderies de Posidonia oceanica d’Eivissa Cas d’estudi Badia de Talamanca Any 2023
NOTA DE PREMSA Més del 50% de la praderia de Posidonia oceanica analitzada en Talamanca està morta. Un estudi del GEN-GOB, finançat per IbizaPreservation i que compta amb la col·laboració de l'Ajuntament d'Eivissa, posa de manifest el mal estat ambiental de la...
(Català) Al·legacions decret Posidònia
In progress
Citizen science at the schools of Eivissa
Citizen science at the schools of Eivissa Observers of the Sea and GEN-GOB sign a collaborative agreement to study pollution in the marine environment Marine pollution by plastics is an increasingly alarming issue. The studies predict if we continue at this rate, in...